Sunday, January 30, 2011

Days 1, 2 and 3...

So, on my first day of the HCG diet before I began the 48 hours of gorging, I weighed 235.2 lbs. The  first day of gorging, I ate pretty bad but according to my boss who did the diet and lost 40 lbs, I wasn't gorging enough. So on my second day, I really went at it. Yesterday, the day I was to begin the actual 500 calorie diet, I weighed 239! I cannot explain how angry I was. A month of lowcarb dieting to lose <10 lbs, just to gain most of it back in two days! Not to mention, I was so depressed from eating all that crap that I literally spent the night in my room crying... It was so weird. Anyways!

Yesterday I began the 500 calorie diet and it really is not easy at all. Here's how my day went, food wise.

Breakfast: 4 16oz cups of tea. That's it. You are only allowed tea, water or coffee with no added anything.

Lunch: 3 oz of ground beef, half a cup of lettuce, half a cup of "salsa" (aka tomatoes and cilantro) all mixed together to make a make shift taco salad.

Dinner: 3 oz steak and a cup of cucumbers and an apple.

Yeah, not a lot of food. So, Nick and I were getting ready for a night on the town. We come into the kitchen and his dad had made fresh brownies. I totally took a bite. Then, we went to the bar. I was planning on drinking vodka and soda water (no cals) but instead I drank BEER. What the hell is wrong with me?! I spent all this crazy money on these freaking HCG drops and all this money on food I can eat just to piss it all away with brownies and beer... It WAS light beer but still!

That's not even the worst part. Are you ready? I got so intoxicated that on the way home, I ate freaking Taco Bell. Yeah. I don't even want to get into it. I feel so shitty about it. I wanted to cry after I was done. Not worth it at all.

So today, on my 4th day, I weigh 238.8, so I did lose 1 lb.

I am so disappointed in myself  but I am going to do right from now on. No more of this half assed crap. I don't want to be overweight for the rest of my life. I need to get over these cravings.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I can't believe you are going to eat only 500 calories a day?! I don't want to discourage you or anything like that, but don't you realize how fast you WILL gain everything back when you stop?

    500 calories is not healthy no matter what anyone says. It's dangerous and you are just setting yourself up to fail. Please don't do this. I know what it feels like to be overweight, but this is not the way to lose it.
