Thursday, January 27, 2011

And So It Begins...

In 15 minutes I will take my first 10 drops of HCG and begin my HCG diet!

For the first 48 hours in the first phase, you are told to binge to build up your energy. I know this sounds ridiculous but for 30 days, you are expected to eat a very strict 500 calorie diet, so the binging builds up your energy.

I just weighed in at 235.2 on my first day.

My goal is to lose 30 lbs this month then I will do the diet again in late March and hope to lose another 30 lbs then. This diet is highly controversial so I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's hard seeing all the good results people I know have gotten! I will document every step of the way.

Oh, and I'll try to get a "BEFORE" picture in a few hours. I look a mess right now.

Here's a before of just my face. I just woke up.

ETA: New picture. What a difference make up makes!

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